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Winter 2020 Newsletter

Students in a classroom

Winter is here and the newest cohort of STEM Ambassadors are working hard to develop ideas for their engagement activities! We received three times the number of applications for our available spots. We hope those we were unable to accommodate in this cohort will apply next fall!

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Fall 2019 Newsletter

Ambassadors at game design night

Under this grant, STEMAP will test new training formats at the University of Utah and four institutions across the United States. Over the course of the project, the STEMAP research team and consultants will study how these formats might contribute to the long-term scalability and sustainability of STEMAP. This work will help grow STEMAP into a national program to serve a wider range of scientists and public audiences.

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Summer 2019 Newsletter

Ambassador with kids in a forested area

There is growing interest in the scientific community in engaging with the public, but the traditional “deficit model” of one-way communication of scientific facts and figures can fall short of making meaningful connections with audiences.

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Spring 2019 Newsletter

Two women in a kitchen

STEMAP Director Nalini Nadkarni was featured in The Guardian describing her field work in the Monteverde cloud forest of Costa Rica. Arguably one of the most sensitive ecosystems, Nalini describes how her study site and the species living there can be real life examples of the detrimental effects of climate change.

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Winter 2019 Newsletter

Students in a classroom

STEMAP staff has continued sharing our program through interviews and conferences. Director Nalini Nadkarni talked with Science Friday’s Ira Flatow and participated in National Geographic’s Nat Geo Nights, and Program Manager Caitlin Weber represented the STEMAP team at a conference in NYC!

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Fall 2018 Newsletter

Ambassador Kendall FitzGerald helps campers build their own mini watersheds.

STEMAP Director Nalini Nadkarni and Program Manager Caitlin Weber presented workshops at the annual Ecological Society of America annual meeting in New Orleans, and later traveled to Seattle to work with members of the University of Washington STEMAP cohort. Training for the online and University of Washington cohorts wrapped up August 31st. Stay tuned as these Ambassadors apply their training to implement exciting new engagement activities!ith a tattoo artist from Ironclad Electric Tattoo to discuss art and science.

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Summer 2018 Newsletter

Ambassadors Tara Deans and Kevin Davenport discuss ideas at the science communication workshop.

STEMAP is now offering online training to a small group of scientists from around the country. We are also offering the first ever STEMAP training at the University of Washington. The summer cohorts will begin in June and run through October 2018. Please join us in welcoming the new STEM Ambassadors!

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Spring 2018 Newsletter

The 2018 cohort is underway

Welcome to the spring issue of the STEMAP Newsletter! Even as the academic year is coming to a close, we have had no shortage of exciting news and events! The 2018 STEMAP cohort kicked off in February. Ambassadors completed three workshops and are now working on designing engagement activities. Stay tuned for updates on engagement activities from this cohort over the spring and summer!

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Winter 2018 Newsletter

Group of people cheering

Happy 2018! The year is off to a great start for the STEM Ambassador Program with Ambassadors working on engagement events across the valley. David Belnap visited the Girls Transition Center, Lauren Williams spoke at the 10th East Senior Center, and Dara Niketic collaborated with a tattoo artist from Ironclad Electric Tattoo to discuss art and science.

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November 2017 Newsletter

Ambassadors Julia McGonicle, Kevin Davenport, and Judy Ou at the STEMAP table.

It has been a busy month for the STEM Ambassador Program! Several STEM Ambassadors have visited local senior centers to share their work. JJ Horns spent an afternoon at the Riverton Senior Center where he discussed his research on migratory birds. David Belnap presented his work on viruses at the Liberty Senior Center, and Shrinivasan Raghuraman discussed neuroscience at the 10th East Senior Center.

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Last Updated: 10/23/24